, pub-5476784674011587, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Secret Societies Of Hollywood - The DocuTube

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Secret Societies Of Hollywood

On the E! TV special "Secret Societies of Hollywood," we got an inside look at how celebrities use their money and services to act on their desires.
One of the most current celebrity trends is to be trending (ironically), and we found out that many celebrities are paying for fake Twitter followers to create the illusion that they’re more popular than they actually are.
For example, Katy Perry was the first person to hit 50 million Twitter followers, but online social media analysts have found that more than 10 million of those are inactive.
As The International Business Times notes, Katy isn't the only celeb who has allegedly paid for Twitter followers.
Others reported to have done the same thing include Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Rihanna and Justin Bieber.
So why do these high profile celebs pay for followers? The popularity contest can get them quite the chunk of change. Advertising agencies and companies pay celebs to endorse their products on Twitter. Imagine one tweet for $10,000. Yeah, that happens.
Forbes reports Barack Obama and Oprah also allegedly fall into the same category, suggesting that 71 percent of the President’s followers are fake, and that only 26 percent of Oprah’s followers are real.