, pub-5476784674011587, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Banned from the Bible - The DocuTube

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Banned from the Bible

I am not nearly as eloquent as the first person commenting on this documentary but I thoroughly enjoyed this program. Regardless of the validity of the claims outlined, the sources are real and the information is factual. Unfortunately, the major pitfall with respect to all these things biblical is that you dwell in the realm of fiction since it is a collection of stories passed down. I would, however, add that many things retained within the Bible are just as unbelievable and nonsensical as these things that were cut/removed and subsequently "found" and brought up in this program.

With that said, it is interesting to find information on texts that are not as well known or views of scholars who describe sources cut from the "greatest story ever told." Not only does this program challenge the paradigm of mundane Christian belief, but it is thoroughly entertaining as though it were a movie. Because the information contained was completely factual (in that the references were all real) and I came away with a deeper understanding of the history of western Christianity

I recommend this program to anyone with an open mind regardless of your religious tenets; it helps shed light on how religious tradition is formed.