, pub-5476784674011587, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Chasing Edward Snowden - The DocuTube

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Chasing Edward Snowden

The movie briefly covers NSA analyst-turned whistleblower Edward Snowden and his escape from American authorities to Hong Kong and later to Russia, after leaking classified information about global surveillance programs used by the American government to spy on people around the world and other nations activities. The movie also presents the journalists who had an exclusive access to Snowden and also the members of WikiLeaks, who helped him in moments of his escape.

Regardless if you think Edward Snowden is a hero or a criminal, this film manges to tell the exciting story when Edward Snowden was smuggled out of USA and on his way out of reach for the National Security Agency and CIA.

he documentary is balanced as well as informative. If Snowden is a spy or a whistle blower. Not only the American authorities where looking for him, so was the whole media world as well. It was the biggest media story in the world at the time. Still he manged, with help from good helpers, to keep away from them all. We also see Assange talking about the case, and his following of it. He himself was on the run at the time, and when Snowden contacts Wikileaks to help him.

Formed almost like a thriller, I enjoyed this very much.